Thursday, August 6, 2009

May You Rest In Peace

We Miss You!
We Love You!
We Cherish the Memories of You!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Funeral Service Information

We have finalized the plans for Barry's funeral service. The funeral will be Thursday, August 6th and will begin at 11am. The service will be held at Trinity Church in Livermore. Their address is 557 Olivina Ave., Livermore. We remember it as the church by the Old Spaceship Park.

The service will be immediately followed by a reception in the church gymnasium. You will have the opportunity to leave notes for the family during the reception. If you have a special message or story that you would like to share during the funeral service, please email me directly so that we can try to accommodate everyone.

In lieu of flowers, please make a donation in Memory of Barry Riggs to Hope Hospice. They were truly instrumental in helping us through this process. You can donate on their website, HOPE HOSPICE and donation envelopes will be available at the service.

Thank you all again for your love and support!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

He will be missed

It is with heavy hearts that we publish this entry this morning. Barry is no longer fighting cancer. He had a very rough week last week and a very trying weekend. He spent most of Friday and Saturday sharing smiles and laughter with all of us. We have seen more smiles in the last few days than in the last month. He passed away peacefully in his sleep very early Sunday morning.

We thank everyone for all of your prayers and thoughts as we gather ourselves over the next few days. I will post memorial service information when it is available.

Love The Barry Riggs Family

Monday, July 20, 2009


Speechless...we use that term a lot in our lives, but how many times have we actually felt that way? I mean REALLY been speechless? We usually manage to mutter something...I'm Sorry...I didn't know that...etc. But since we have been faced with battling this horrible disease, I find that I am speechless more and more.

Many times I am afraid if I talk, then the strength I am using to fight back the tears will disappear, and I will cry. Not that I am afraid to cry, it feels really good sometimes; I just know that crying is contagious and I don't want Dad to catch it. So, I usually just sit speechless, and he loves the company. Sometimes just holding his hand gives him great comfort. A smile and a wink from across the room will almost always result in a returned smile and wink. Saying, "I Love You" will always get the same phrase returned.

We have called in Hope Hospice after Barry spent 10 days in the hospital for the same lung procedure, this time on the right lung. He has fought a very strong battle and we are all so very proud of his strength. This was a decision that he made with the blessing of his wife, parents, children, and friends. What this means is that our focus has changed from fighting cancer to enjoying the time that remains. This means that nurses and aides come to the house. Trips to the doctors' offices are greatly reduced. We now switch from making him eat things to make him strong to letting him have ice cream for dinner. His time with us is limited. The cancer has begun to progress and we are making him as comfortable as possible with medication, oxygen, love, and laughter.

Visitors-We welcome visitors and telephone calls, but Barry isn't always up to either. We are now taking shifts at spending time with him all day. He is too weak to get out of bed by himself and needs help to just sit up. If you would like to visit, we ask that you call the day of. Please call the home number (925) 606-6352 and don't be offended if he doesn't feel like visitors. He spends most of the day laying in or on the bed in a t-shirt and boxer shorts...or less.

What to Say-Something to keep in mind is that Barry doesn't like to talk about cancer! Nobody REALLY likes to talk about cancer. Come prepared with a picture or a story that has fond memories for both of you. Talk about his kids! (That is my favorite topic!) Help him to remember times when he was healthy, strong, and laughed. There is nothing that makes me smile more than to see him smile. His laughs are harder to come by today, but even a giggle is enough to brighten the house for a whole day.

I can't even begin to describe how difficult it is to publish this posting. I have switched out the Relay slide show to the pictures of Dad throughout the years. In closing, I wanted to share a story with you.

I was sitting in the hospital last week when Dad was taking a nap. I was working at the foot of the bed. I noticed that his hands were moving as he slept and as I looked closer, his hands were busy. Not just the usual twitching and jerking, but he was really doing something. When he woke, I asked what he was working on in his sleep and he couldn't remember.

That night I awoke from a dream. In my dream I could see what Dad was dreaming...this was my superhero power...along with being able to see through some glass, but that is a different story. But I could see exactly what he was dreaming about. He was healthy and I was young. He had taken me out fishing on the banks of the Delta and I had gotten my fishing line tangled when I was trying to cast. His hands were so busy trying to untangle my fishing reel. All the while he was looking down at me and smiling. I felt bad that I had tangled the line, but he didn't seem the least bit bothered.

It gives me great comfort in knowing that these are the memories that I have of my Dad; even if fabricated in my own mind. I know that he will always look down at me with a smile and will always be there to untangle whatever mess I make.

I Love You All and Love You Dad!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Your Emails

I am a bit behind on your emails, but please feel free to keep them coming. Barry and Shirley really enjoy reading them!

"Wow! What a lot of work and effort went into the Relay for Life walk. I cannot imagine walking in 104 degrees heat. I knew Don and Alice would participate and they both look great. The whole family deserves a lot of credit. I am glad that Barry did get to participate and rally his troops. Congratulations to everyone involved in Team BRAT!"
Barry's Aunt Winnie

"...You don't know how many times that I have thought back to the old days. We all had some great times (and some not so great). Here we are 30 years later and all grown up...Barry I am just so sorry that your health is what has brought me to e-mail you. Why didn't we do this along time ago. Glen and I have always enjoyed your company. I hope that today is a good day for you. I know just getting to say hello has made it a good day for me. Glen and I will have you and your family in our prayers. Please give our love to Glen, Staci and Dustin (not sure they will remember us) and to your wife Shirley. Glen if you would please let your Dad know that I am thinking of him."
Take care,
Connie (Gibson)

"This is Terri from Citibank, I just wanted to say hello and let you know that you and your family are in my prayers. I saw Shirley today and she was kind enough to give me one of your cards. I enjoyed seeing your family pictures. Well young man you take care of yourself and say hello to Shirley for me, it was nice seeing her."
God Bless You

"Just want you to know I'm pulling for you. I'm sorry to hear about illness, you're on my prayer list. Hope things are going ok. And may I say, from a person who was a caregiver for many years, Shirley if there is any way I can help let me know. I know when someone you love is ill you feel helpless.. the best thing to do is take care of yourself so you can be there for the one you love.
Taking care doesn't mean doing everything yourself.. it means ask for HELP."
I'm here,
Tina Chang (from Trinity)

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Relay for Life

Sometimes words just aren’t enough when expressing Thanks! This is one of those times. We had an AMAZING weekend at Relay for Life! For me, Relay for Life is not something that will be easily forgotten; partially because I can still barely walk, but mostly because of all of the LOVE from the event. I have added a new slide show to the right side with Relay pictures.

I started Team BRAT in late April and had never attended RFL (Relay for Life) before and had no idea how much I was in for. At the time that we started working on a team, I expected to have a team of about 13 people. We ended up with over 40 people who assisted with the event: 27 registered online, 6 registered day of, and 10+ people who just came to help out. Now THAT is LOVE!

At this point we have raised $8159.18 as a team; my first goal for the team was $3500. We can still accept donations through the month of July, so if you haven’t had a chance to reach out to your friends and family, there is still time. Included in this total is $138 from Sweet Tomatoes from donation night. Livermore Relay for Life started Saturday with just under $147,000. On Sunday morning, Relay for Life closed the event with a total of $191,156.55. That means that during Livermore RFL, we helped raise over $44,000. Congratulations!

What started out as a little distraction for me really turned quite grand! Our booth was awesome and who would have thought that selling the decorations would make more money than ice cream sales…especially when it is 104 degrees (that’s 40c for those of you north). Mom (Cherie) and Staci provided many of the decorations, ice and beverages. While Jenny helped with signs, recruiting volunteers, and provided a tent for us. Keith and I were at the event for the full 24 hours, but most only missed a few hours. Kelly, Josh, Kris, and Scott were killer sales people…”Gatorade! Ice Cold Gatorade!” Steve’s (my step-Dad) aunt and uncle donated 10 cases of water to our team, and I think I drank 3 of them myself. Jim and Bonnie McDonald brought their motorhome out and ran the A/C and generator for about 15 hours so that Barry could chill and have visitors. Grandma Bernice made the cool flags for our campsite, some BRAT hats, and aprons for our money. Grandma Alice and Grandpa Don were the most popular walkers…at 3am people were talking about how cute they are. We even had Edie, (3 time cancer survivor) fly in from Phoenix. The list goes on.

There were several people that just stopped by to say hi and make a donation. Dad really enjoyed every visitor. Even some of the guys that Dad worked with stopped by with their wives to say hello and show their support. It was an absolute joy meeting Jim and Jeff. Jeff shared a great story with me about how Barry dropped everything to help him out of a sticky situation one time. I had heard the story from Dad before, but it was very different hearing it from Jeff. He was so grateful for his expertise, calm attitude, and willingness to help.

If you add up Team BRAT’s time on the track, we put in about 74 hours. There was a lot of sweat and tears shed during that time…thankfully, no blood! Many of us participated in a study that will continue for the next several years in an effort to help with cancer prevention. I had tears in my eyes during the first lap (Survivor lap) and during the last lap that we walked as a team. 18 people walked the last lap in Team BRAT shirts. This was a true demonstration of Love, Support, Friendship, and Generosity.

I know that Relay for Life will be part of my life from this point forward. I signed a pledge where I made a commitment to continuing my fight against cancer. I will continue to give of myself in memory of those who have fought cancer. I will walk to honor those who have won the battle against cancer. I will provide support to those whose lives are affected by cancer. The mantra of RFL is “Celebrate, Remember, Fight Back”. We did all 3 over the weekend.

I can’t seem to say it enough, but thank you all. I thank you for fighting. I thank you for donating. I thank you for walking. I thank you for helping. I thank you for not giving up.

Please keep up hope for each other and keep praying for each other.

Sending you my love!

Friday, June 19, 2009


I just wanted to let everyone know that Barry is out of surgery and everything went well. He is in recovery now and is only allowed very limited visitors, as a matter of fact he is only allowed 2 visitors at a time. This is extrememly difficult since we all want to be in spending time with him. He was able to keep down some water, ice chips, and apple juice which meant he got to order something for dinner. He hadn't had anything to eat or drink since 7pm last night. It is likely that he will not be able to leave the hospital until late Monday or Tuesday.

Thank you all for your wonderful thoughts and prayers.

I will keep everyone updated.

Your Prayers Are Needed!

I know that I haven't kept up on the blog that well, but I am going to try to do better. I wanted to let everyone know that I am writing this from the Valley Care Hospital Lobby as Dad is in surgery.

Yesterday was such a big day at the doctor's office. The reason for the surgery is due to his left lung filling with fluid again. It has only been a week since his lung was drained. At that time Dr. Wong drained 2 litres of fluid from his left lung. The fluid actually builds up in the space between the lung and chest cavity wall. After x-rays yesterday it was determined that his lung had filled again. During the procedure today the surgeon will drain the fluid from the lung and then inject sterile talc into the space between the lung and the chest cavity wall. This causes the lung to get irritated and swell against the chest cavity wall. The lung heals against the chest wall and closes the gap where the fluid is building up. This will hopefully keep the fluid from building up in the lung area.

The procedure should take about 2 hours and he will continue to stay in the hospital for 2 or 3 days while the lung heals and the fluid continues to drain. All of the nurses have been wonderful this morning and really enjoy Dad and his smile. I think that we all agree with them. We were visited by Pastor Jim and he said a wonderful prayer asking for strength for all of us through this and helping to secure that seat in heaven!

Barry's pulse rate has been high and this has resulted in a referral to a cardiologist and another echo cardiogram. Dr. Kang just wants to be sure that nothing in his heart has been overlooked. It is also obvious that the cancer cells in his liver and belly are showing up stronger on the CT Scan. This means that it is time to change the chemotherapy regime. The next treatment will now be repeated every 2 weeks. He will have to take home a pump for 2 or 3 days that will administer one of the drugs continuously over that period. It was also brought to our attention that the cancer cells are also in his spine (lower back). Dr. Kang has recommended radiation treatment for his back. They cannot do radiation and chemo at the same time, so he will get a couple of weeks off of chemo while they proceed with the radiation treatment.

I hope you got all that! I hope I do too. This all feels so overwhelming. We are hoping that Barry is well enough to attend Relay in a week. He is most concerned with being a part of an event that is all for him. I really appreciate all of the support that you showed at Sweet Tomatoes last night. I will post the total earned as part of the event when I find out.

We appreciate your prayers and thoughts! During this time in the hospital, Barry will be in a lot of pain which will require sedation and drugs to combat the pain. We ask that you please keep telephone calls and visits to a minimum. If you would like to visit please try to contact a member of the family first.

We Love You All!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Show Your Support!

It has been quite some time since I posted the last post. The main reason for this is due to Relay for Life. Being the team captain for the awesome event hasn't been easy, but has definitely been for a worthwhile cause! It has been great to meet so many people who have already been through what we are dealing with. I appreciate all of your donations to Team BRAT. If you haven't had a chance to donate, there is still time. Click Here if you would like to make a donation or purchase a Luminaria to light our way as we walk through the night.

We have so many people on our team that we have had to start a second team. We currently have 22 registered walkers. It isn't too late to join! Let me know if you would like to walk, or would like to come volunteer to help us raise funds on the day of the event.

Join us at Pleasanton Sweet Tomatoes on June 18th! Bring the attached flyer to Sweet Tomatoes and they will donate 15% of the sale to Team BRAT! Cool, huh?!

Relay for Life: Come Support Team BRAT 9am June 27th to 9am June 28th ! Livermore High School Track. We will have fundraisers at the event. Find our tent and say Hi. We will be selling ice cream from 1pm-4pm. We will also have Flashing Helium Balloons, Glow Sticks and Glow Wear once the sun goes down!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Support Team BRAT!

We were recently having breakfast with Barry and Shirley in downtown Livermore when Dad had mentioned that people were outside putting up ribbons for some kind of cancer event. I replied, "Count me out! I don't want cancer!" After breakfast we went outside and saw that it was for the Relay For Life event sponsored by the American Cancer Society.

I had heard a little bit about the event, so I went home and researched it. Let me tell you about it! It is the signature event of the American Cancer Society and is done throughout the nation. Different people throughout the community form teams, and then those teams are required to walk around a track for 24 hours. That's right 24 HOURS! The team members take turns walking the track...some walk during the day some walk the "zombie shift" during the night. There are events held the day of the walk and everyone is encouraged to show support for their favorite team. Each team sets up a camp with a theme and some offer games, prizes, and food where the proceeds all benefit the American Cancer Society.

The Livermore Relay for Life will be held at Livermore High School and starts at 9AM on June 27th. The event will end at June 28th at 8:30AM.

Our team name is Team BRAT (Barry Riggs Alien Terminators)! Dad refers to his cancer as the alien. You should see the looks Dr. Kang gives him when he calls it the alien.

We would love your support. We need people to walk with us, people to support us on the day of the event, and donations. If you would like to help out, please let me know. There is a TON of information on the internet and available at our Team BRAT Website <-click here. I am just getting started on this, so it might be a little sparse right now, but I will keep you updated as we progress. Feel free to join the team or make a donation directly from the website. All donations are tax deductible.

Thanks for helping us to make a difference in finding a cure and Terminating the Aliens!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Your Birthday Wishes

Dear Barry,
Happy Belated Birthday!
Looks like you had a wonderful day with family, friends and the boat. Awesome!
I have been out in my garden weeding, and moving dirt around. I took the camera out this morning and thought you might like to see some of the spring colour ( yes, it's spelled right) from our yard on the balmy west coast of Canada, where there is definitely no snow. The temperature today is 15 degree, that's 59 for you southerners.
Roger is working on our boat (The Tackle Box) today, and hoping to get out and do some prawn fishing with friends this week. Yum!
Take Care, cousin Wendy and Roger

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR BARRY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU.So glad I could type this instead of singing for you.I scare myself when I hear me sing lol.Sorry I am late getting birthday greetings to you late.Hope you had a good one.Looks like you are enjoying yourself building your boat.Looks good. Again happy Birthday Barry.My prayers are with you.
Gloria Nagy

Happy Birthday Barry
Looks like you had a great time with your family. I see the "boat" is seaworthy. The "Sunny Okanagan" is having beautiful weather as well, could have gone camping. We hit a wopping +19 celcius (which to you Americans is around 70 degrees Fehrenheit).
Thinking of you everyday and wishing all of the best.
Love you

Saturday, April 4, 2009

The Birthday Party

I am sending this from the campground. Isn't technology WONDERFUL. We were able to put the boat in the water but have a few things to work on before she is sea worthy.

The food was delicious, the games were fun, and we certainly laughed a lot.

Barry seemed to enjoy the day and stayed until the sun set. I think that he had a great Birthday Party.

We love you Dad! Happy Birthday!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Happy, Happy Birthday Barry

Happy Birthday! Many of you may or may not know that this Sunday is Barry's 55th Birthday. The family will be making a trip to the Delta on Saturday to celebrate with a BBQ lunch and hopefully, a boat ride. Feel free to leave a Birthday Wish for Barry here. We are all so excited to celebrate this day with him.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Breathe Easy

As mentioned earlier in the week, Barry went in this week to have the fluid drained from his lungs. They drained the left lung on Monday and the right on Thursday. Dr. Lee drained nearly 2 litres from his left lung! Yep, that's right 2 LITRES! Imagine carrying a 2 litre bottle of soda (or pop for our international readers) with you all day and night. They only drained 1/2 litre from the right lung. The left draining provided for some discomfort for a couple of days while his lung stretched out to take up its well deserved space, but he is breathing much easier now.

Just a short update for now! Thanks for all of your well wishes.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

Hello All! I hope that this post finds everyone healthy and in good spirits. There is a lot to update everyone with, and as the title states, there is a little bit of everything this time.

I will start with the good. Barry had an appointment with his oncologist before round three of chemotherapy on Wednesday. Dr. Kang had some great news...Barry's bilirubin level has dropped below 3. If you remember from earlier postings, this level was at 17 at one point. The normal level is zero and a safe level is 2. He even said that he could no longer see lesions on the liver from the CT scan. We were thrilled to get this news. It also looked as though the cancer hadn't spread further on the scans either. Dr. Kang mentioned that without tumors to measure, it was difficult to definitely see anything with CT scans. But we will take whatever good news we can get. During chemo, Kay also said that it looks like his bone marrow is showing improvement as well.

We were all thrilled with this good news. When Barry's bilirubin levels were so high, they were forced to reduce one of the chemotherapy drugs that they were giving him because it requires the liver to metabolize the drug. They reduced it to 25% for the first 2 sessions. At this session they increased it another 25% and pending results from the next liver test, could increase to the full 100% if his bilirubin continues to improve. It appears that this increase and the simple fact that this is Barry's third session, he has really been worn down.

Along with the side effects of the chemo, his lungs have been filling with fluid. This was originally thought to have been pneumonia, but is most likely metastis (mets) causing the fluid to build in the lungs. He will be going for draining of the lungs later this week, most likely on Tuesday for the left lung. They only drain one lung at a time since there is a chance of lung collapse during the draining process. They will drain the second lung a few days later. It will be really nice for Barry to be able to take a deep breath again. His breathing is very labored and coughs when he lays down. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers as he goes through this process.

I also wanted to let everyone know that he has been spending every weekend working on his boat. He has been working on it with much of his family. Dad told me on Saturday that it sure has been a lot of work becuase of a silly dream. When I was maybe 10 or so years old, he told me that he would have a "Real" boat someday. He had a jet boat when I was about 14, this was not a "Real" boat because it wasn't big enough for the family. This boat that is his dream is big enough for the family. Although he gets tired working with us on the boat, he wouldn't have it any other way. We made some major steps the last 2 weekends which included a quick wax job and laying the floor. I can't tell you how much we love working with Dad on his dream!

I will update everyone later in the week. In the meantime, take a moment to bring your dream one step closer to reality...share it with someone you love!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Pictures from Wendy and Roger

We love you guys, you are in our thoughts daily.
Take care, Wendy and Roger Kirk (from the great white north, eh )

A brief update

Hello Everyone! I hope that this posting finds you well. I am sorry I have updated everyone in a while, but no news is good news right? We have been spending our weekends working on getting the boat ready. We just might have it sea worthy...well Delta worthy by Barry's Birthday (4/5)!

Barry goes in today for more CT scans so that we can get an update of how well the treatment is working at the third round of Chemo this Wednesday. So, keep wishing and praying that he is stronger than this darn cancer.

I will post more later in the week, but here are some emails from Barry's Fan Club!

"My name is Bruce Bentley. I work for SGS Automotiver Services in Richmond, CA. We inspect GM lease return cars from the local rental companies, Hertz, Avis, Alamo, Enterprise etc.
It has been my pleasure to get to know just a little about Barry over the pass year or more as he picks up units going to the local Auto Auction. He always has a smile, kind word, a joke or story to tell me or just takes time to listen to me that some how makes my day a little better because he came by that day.
I don't what I can say other than "Thank you God" for allowing me to meet and get to know, if only a little bit, this wonderful person. Some people come into our lives as they say, "For A Season, For A Reason, Forever" - Barry you are in the hearts, thoughts & prayers of myself, Marie & Katie always.
Thank you for being YOU !"

Bruce Bentley

"Even though I haven't seen any recent postings to your blog, it doesn't mean that we don't think of you every day.
Your Aunt Pearl's daughter, Judy Kowerchuk, sent in a story about you and the bear in the city of Vernon. I haven't seen it posted but I bet you could tell that story better than anyone. Few people will believe it, but I know that it is a true story.
Thinking of you and wishing you the best."
Aunt Winnie

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Keep on Truckin'!

First an update from last weeks doctor's visit; Barry's bilirubin had dropped from 17 the week before to 7. This is great news as this is the measurement of the health of the liver. The lower the number, the better. A normal liver functions around zero. Dad had the whole facility to himself on Wednesday. Kay, his nurse, is WONDERFUL! She is very attentive and made sure that Dad, Shirley and I were comfortable all day. I was able to work from the doctor's office and really enjoyed talking with Kay. This round of chemo has really taken a lot out of Barry. He has been getting very tired. It seems like he needs a rest every 3 or 4 hours, but I think that the lower billirubin levels have been a great motivator.
This posting is "Keep on Truckin'!" There are 2 pictures for this post. The first is of Barry and his dad, Don. It is taken in front of the Dodge truck that they were both owners of. This was the day that the truck went to another owner outside of the family. She was always good to both of them, so it was a bit of a sad day for all. Dad mentioned that this was one of the only vehicles to not leave him stranded. For those of you who have ever been camping or boating, this is a great little piece of humor.
The second picture was taken out at the auction road. This is Dad and me next to his work truck. We saw Terry loading the truck out there. It was a great field trip for Barry. He also saw a good friend from Central Valley, Rod. It was really fun meeting him. He mentioned that he had just finished eating an apple. He then asked us, "You know what they say?" Expecting to hear the old...keeps the doctor away, but it was followed by, "...keeps the wife away!" He said that if he eats the fruit, his wife is happy. He must have given Dad 10 hugs. I could tell that they have a very close and special bond.
Who would have thought that such good friends could come in the most unlikely of places. It made me so happy to know that he has always had such caring friends while on the road. There have been several fellow truck drivers that have called him because they saw his truck and trailer, but that wasn't him driving. There was even a call from a highway patrol officer at the weigh station who had pulled the truck aside because Barry wasn't the one driving. He called to offer his thoughts and prayers to Barry.
This just goes to show how we can all learn from Barry. I am sure that all of this kindness that is being extended to him and to all of us is a direct result of his kindness. Pay it forward. For those of you who haven't heard this before, it is a great philosophy. It simply means that you will do for others with the expectation that they will do the same for it forward. In other words, you give without expecting that you receive anything in return. This describes Barry to the letter. He has always given of his time, himself, his knowledge, his skills, his everything-without ever expecting anything in return.
Thanks Dad! And thank you to all of you for offering your kindness to all of us. We promise to do our best to pay it forward!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

DING-DING...Round Two!

I must apologize for the long time between posts. We have been very busy this last week.

Tomorrow is Round 2 of Chemo. Barry has been feeling pretty good in the last week or so. His cheeks (on his face) are a nice rosy pink and the yellow seems to be fading away. This makes us very happy since this means that his liver should be functioning a little better. They have been able to schedule a weekly draining for his abdomen and have been draining less than 2 litres over the last 2 weeks. This is also very promising since they were able to draw over 4 litres just 4 weeks ago. All of this is very promising.

There is something that we have been strangely thankful for and that is the kindness of Barry's doctors. I placed a call to his doctor last week and left a message. I received a return call in less than 5 minutes and didn't feel like Dr. Kang was trying to rush me off the phone. Everyone from the doctor's office has been WONDERFUL! They have also been amazingly accurate with side effect expectations and time frames. Each time Dad has side effects, it falls right in line with what his nurse or doctor have told us. This is quite a relief!

Enough of the business...time for the fun stuff! We spent last Saturday working on Barry's boat. He bought a WellCraft several years ago that was in need of some TLC. Dad had done much of the work, but we still have some work to do on it. My Grandfather, Terry, has been so kind as to let us work on the boat in his garage. It is a great location for the kids to play and find Newts and our cell phones don't work there. So we all get some quality time together. I have always really enjoyed working on projects with dad. There was a huge group of family gathered together and we were able to finish laying and fiberglassing the floor. The evening was followed by naps for some and cocktails for others and everyone enjoyed the bar-b-que. Some of us tried to beat Scott and Staci at Scrabble, but that is tough to do when the winning team is throwing letters on the floor.

Thanks to everyone again for your prayers and good thoughts! They seem to be making a difference. Grandma Alice put all of the beautiful cards that you have sent on a bulletin board above the fireplace. That is an amazing reminder of how much you all care.

Have a wonderful week and keep posted for an update within the next couple of days!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Live, Laugh, and Love

I feel a little redundant each time I post a message, because I am always thanking everyone for all of your generosity. As one of the wise gentlemen that I work with always tells me, “I wish there were stronger words than Thank You.” I feel as though I just can’t say it enough. All of the cards that everyone has sent to Barry and Shirley should keep the Post Office operating for several years and means so much to both of them. The whole family has really enjoyed all of the food and dinners that so many people have helped out with. For those of you who know us, we are BIG fans of food! Unexpected giving like sending over a gardener and a subscription to Netflix are also greatly appreciated! And each little token of kindness allows us all to spend a little more time together. So for lack of better words, THANK YOU!

I have titled this post, “Live, Laugh, and Love”. If you were to spend any time in the Riggs house, you would find a lot of all 3. We spend a lot of time laughing-and everyone knows how much Dad likes to laugh. Sometimes he begs us to stop laughing because it hurts so much. It is also apparent that there is TONS of love all around us. Don and Alice have arrived in town and have been spending time with the family and have brought some pictures from the past with them. It is apparent that we have always been a family with lots of love to give. Some of the best pictures are from camping and motorcycle trips, Grandma on a pony, and some great pictures that are older than me.

Living is not as easy to describe, or even talk about. Everyone is always talking about living for today. This really has involved talking a lot about the past. In a life changing event like this, you realize how much living you really have done. There are many times that we sacrifice or make big changes in life, without knowing the outcome. It isn’t until later that you realize the rewards of the sacrifice or change. Barry has always given of himself for others. I remember stopping on the side of the road to help a stranger in distress or helping someone fix their car for nothing more than dinner. He continues to help us all live a better and more fulfilling life. I have never thought twice about stopping to tow in a fellow boater or helping a friend in need with nothing expected in return.

We hope that you all take time to appreciate each other in your own home. Take a few moments to Live, Laugh, and Love with your family and friends. And remember to appreciate every minute that you have together. We have realized that each minute together is precious and creates a memory that can last longer than any picture.

With Love and Many Thanks!

More of Your Emails

Hello Barry,
You are in my thoughts and prayers. My Dad lights a candle for you in church every week when he attends. Scott say's we still owe you and Shirley dinner. Remember our first meeting, Shawn & Tiffany took us out on the boat and it broke down. We had a great time even though the boat broke down and we needed to get towed back to the dock. It was too late for us to go out for dinner. We'll never forget the day. Over all it was a great time.
You are a wonderful, happy soul with a great jolly laugh.
Scott and I will bring dinner to you and Shirley. You have too much life left and will fight this battle.
See you soon,
all our love Scott & Cindy Coppes

To Barry:
"During this time may sweet memories fill your heart. And if your soul needs to shed some tears -let them flow. And if laughter creeps in...give yourself that gift. May time be your friend and give you comfort."
My heart is filled with sorrow for the pain you have to go through. My thoughts and prayers are with you everyday. I will continue to follow your blog.
Love you,
Your Canadian Cousin Rita

Barry is a man that loves unconditionally. He always has time for anyone and any project that came along the way. His family has always been his priority and he showed that in everything that he did. We are praying for him and all those around him.
Amber Pimm

Hello, Barry and your Family
This, is Becky Borud. Don and Lylas' neice. We met quite a few times when we would make a trip to California, from North Dakota.
Our prayers are with you. My Mom called last night to tell me about your sickness. My Dad is battleing with cancer for the 3rd time, as well. God is with us all.
Love from Bob, Roberta and Becky Borud

I remember when I was in grade 11, I got a chance to go to your mom and dad's in Calgary for my summer holidays. I had picked strawberries (I earned $1 for every 24 pints I picked) to earn money for bus fare. This was my first trip alone and my first time on a Greyhound bus.
When I arrived in Calgary, Don and Alice were living in a trailer park and they had this small dark haired boy in a stroller. I took you for a walk every day in that stroller. I was no stranger to kids as Pearl had a few and I had spent a lot of time at her place. You were a very huggable and cheerful even then. I am glad you kept close contact with all of us over the years. Ours is a special family.
Your mom and dad both come from large families and then each of these families expanded. At the Riggs family reunion, we had over a hundred people there and not all members of the family were there. Just think two people, my mom and my dad started all this for the Riggs clan. I think the Morisseau family is even bigger. That's a lot of family.

At one of the family reunions, one of the family members had told Barry that they couldn't afford to go. Barry said, "The way I see it, you can't afford not to go." This was Barry's view of family; family is important.
Aunt Winnie

Dauphin, Manitoba

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Peachy Chemo

Dad says he's feeling "peachy chemo" these days. He is so strong and has been handling the chemo fairly well so far. He has had no nausea or vomiting from his treatments, the only real side effect he's had is some sensitivity to cold in his fingers and hands. Today they were able to drain his abdomen again, they removed a little more than 2 liters of fluid. Hopefully the chemo will kick in and stop the cancer from producing this fluid that's making him so uncomfortable.

He's been craving certain foods, Mexican food and spaghetti. We've all listened and Tuesday night five of our family members made spaghetti for him...not to mention the fact that we're on a first name basis with the Taqueria. We've been catering to his every wish, god bless Shirley!

Grandpa and Grandma (Barry's parents) are on their way here from New Mexico, Dad is looking forward to seeing his dad and mom. His spirits are high and he really is feeling better than he has in weeks, he's on the phone and just told his mom "I feel like a million bucks tonight". Dad is really enjoying all of the time he's been able to spend with his family and friends over the past few weeks. Thanks for all of your support!


We thank all of our family and friends for all of their support in each and every way! Thank you for all of your prayers and well wishes! God bless you all, and good tidings.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Your Emails to Barry

Thanks to everyone who has sent emails for Barry and Shirley. I have forwarded them on for their reading. Here are some of the wonderful words that you have shared with us.

"...your aunt Audrey and I were best buds in high school. Your dad was older brother to us all. He taught me to water ski on Lake Don Pedro and he kept us out of trouble! We had some awesome times and he was always smiling and laughing...let him know I am thinking of...... and praying for him.... every day."
Donna Isernhagen Coleman

"I just heard and am in deep sorrow for what you are going through. Edith & I, Lorrie, Kevin & grandson Austin will constantly monitor your blog. We wish you best of luck."
Cousin Gary

"I am very encouraged to see so many family members involved in sharing Barry's infirmities.
I know God is with each of you as you and family members pray for his guidance.
If I may I would like to add my daily prayers for God's will to be done for Barry and Shirley and your whole family?
-2Cor12:9 And He said unto me, "My grace is sufficient for thee: for My strength is made perfect in weakness." Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.
-2Cor13:4 For though He was crucified through weakness, yet He liveth by the power of God. For we also are weak in Him, but we shall live with Him by the power of God toward you.

With brotherly love I ask Jesus to guide each of you as you walk in Jesus' name."
Love Glenn Laplante and family

"Don and Alice Riggs are our very best friends and neighbors. We met Barry on his most recent trip to Silver City. Just like his mom and dad, Barry is one of the white hats.
In July of 2008, our youngest son, age 46, was diagnosed with malignant pleural mesothelioma so we can appreciate what you folks are going through today. It sounds like Barry is approaching this with the same positive attitude that our son has shown.
We wish all the family the strength to get through this."
Best wishes,
Monte and Lee Bulger

Thursday, February 12, 2009

The First Day of Treatment ("Peachy Chemo"-to quote Barry)

Today was the first day of chemotherapy for Barry. Who thought that 6 hours in reclining chair could make such a difference. I guess that the IV drip played a hand as well. They pumped a lot of good stuff into Barry before switching to the chemotherapy drugs. Then they top him off with more of the good stuff. Because the chemotherapy attacks the good cells with the bad, they want to make sure that he has enough calcium, potassium, and the like.

After his treatment today he had another CT Scan of his liver, but most importantly...was craving tacos! We all met at "Camp Riggs" after Dad ate his tacos on the way home from the hospital. Everyone had a little something to eat. The Grand kids (Garrett and Dustin), enjoyed playing with Lego's on the floor, driving Dad's remote control Mini-Cooper, and jumping for joy at the thought of having a piece of Marilynn's cake.

He has regained some of the color in his face, seemed rested, and was in great spirits. Both he and Shirley were telling us about the people they saw today in the treatment center and Shirley even got a little nap in the chair next to Barry's. (I am sure glad they didn't give her any drugs!) We all really enjoyed the time spent with Dad tonight! I can't wait to have more nights like tonight. You'll notice in the picture that he is giving a thumb's up! I guess he wants to go faster.

I have updated the slide show with a couple of new pictures...I love the pony picture. I have also posted a mailing address for Barry and Shirley should you wish to send cards or letters on the right side of the site.

Thank you all again for your thoughts and prayers.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A Really Tough Day

Today was a very tough day for everyone. The good news is that Dad starts chemotherapy tomorrow. This is about a 5 hour process and will hopefully keep the fluid from building up in his abdomen. He is scheduled to go in for 2 of the IV drugs every 3 weeks and taking one of them orally twice a day. Dr. Kang was great today and was very willing to answer all of our matter how crazy we may have sounded. Dad's "drug dealer" is Kay. (Kay will give him his treatments and make sure he is keeping up on his pills.) She seems very nice and tough as well. Just what we need!

We ask that you continue to send your thoughts and prayers as Barry begins the next chapter in this journey. We are all very tired after today and ask that you please allow a couple of days for the family to have some time together and allow Barry to get settled into his treatment schedule. His immune system will take a beating during this treatment. Please do not send plants or flowers at this time...although remember, he does love hearing from you on this site. If you are planning a visit, please make sure that you call first. Also, because of the challenges on his immune system, if you are sick are think you are getting sick, we ask that you please postpone your visit until you are feeling better.

All of your love, support, and prayers definitely helped us all through today.

God Bless You All!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Oh Canada!

Barry was born in Calgary, Canada and lived there for some of his childhood. He has a lot of great family there that cover quite a large territory. Here are some emails that I have received from some of them:

"I'm your Dad's cousin Dianna...I have a couple of pics of your dad that I took when he was here for the Morrisseau reunion a couple years ago - unfortunately, I was taking the pictures so I don't have one of us together, but I did include a great one of the incredible pot luck meal that was there! In that picture, Barry is sharing a table with Aunt Joan (far left), Aunt Winnie (my mom), and Uncle Ed (married to Aunt Joan - from Campbell River BC). I think you have met everyone at the Riggs reunion (that I sadly missed).

I am forever grateful that your Dad, aunties and Grandparents make the huge effort to come to Canada to visit us as often as they do! Lord knows the last time I was in California was when I was 10 or 12!! Just remember, "family" is there for you to lean upon, to carry you and to uplift you."
XOXO Cousin Dianna from Winnipeg!

"My prayers are with you and your family. I am so sorry to hear Barry is sick. One of the messages speak about his laughter. Well, I can hear it all the way to Manitoba,Canada!
In many of the pictures he looks like his Uncle Romeo. I haven't seen your Dad much but will never forget the few times we met. Once when I went to California with Aunty Theresa and Uncle Johnny Jackson and once when he and Shirley came to Portage la Prairie and both times the visits were so much fun. So much laughter and joking. Give your Dad a hug for me and let him know I am praying for him."
Gloria Nagy Winnipeg,Manitoba,Canada

Monday, February 9, 2009

Thank you for the Comments

I wanted to let everyone know how much Barry, Shirley, and the entire family are really enjoying all of your comments. Staci told me that Dad and Shirley leave the web page open on their computer all day long so they don't miss any postings that you might leave. Shirley said that "checking the blog" is the first thing that Dad does in the morning. He tells me how much he enjoys it every time we talk.

Tomorrow morning they will be draining his abdomen as it is getting quite full of fluid again. This is quite a time consuming project. They first drain the fluid and then keep Barry for observation for several hours. The last time he went, he was really excited about the lunch they bring him! This will be the third time it has been drained. The first time was 4.5 litres, the second time was 4.25 litres; should we start a pool for this round?

Wednesday is a big doctor's appointment! We will be meeting with the oncologist and he should have all of the test results to go over. Please keep Barry in your thoughts and prayers for Wednesday, and I will post an update as soon as I get the opportunity after the appointment Wednesday afternoon.

Thanks again to EVERYONE for their kind words and offers of support!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Looking Forward to a Good Weekend

So, Barry has been doing pretty well since he had the fluid from his abdomen drained earlier in the week. One of the issues with the metastasis in the Omentum (belly area), is that it is weeping into the lower abdomen and causes discomfort for Barry. This causes difficulty sleeping becuase he can't get comfortable, and a loss of appetite. Hopefully he can get this drained again early next week. For those who don't know, he has had this drained twice now. Each time it has been drained, they have removed over 4 litres of fluid. He keeps calling it his weight loss program.

Both he and Shirley have really enjoyed a couple of days with no doctor appointments, and I can't say that I blame them. The next appointment is scheduled for Tuesday with the Oncologist, Dr. Kang. This is a really important appointment as he will help us to understand the treatment schedule and should have all of the test results at that time.

We also found out today that Shirley is going to be able to get some time off of work to be with Barry. This is especially helpful with all of the appointments. It looks like the wheels of the truck will continue to roll as well. I know that they are both looking forward to a weekend of sleeping in and spending time with friends and family.

Thanks to everyone for checking in and for your thoughts and prayers! We hope that you take the time to enjoy the weekend with friends and family as well.

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Welcome to Barry's Journey! I must start out by saying that blogs are not my forte, but in an effort at keeping everyone updated, I will do my best to maintain and update this we have a new mantra, "No Secrets!"

Even before creating this site, I have to say THANK YOU! We (the family) sincerely thank everyone for their prayers, meals, time, and overall generosity. We are already overwhelmed by the number of people who have already reached out to help.

Please take a moment to share a fun story, just browse the site, or post your positive thoughts to help everyone get through this. After all, we are celebrating life! I have never known my Dad to turn away from a challenge; and this is just another one of those hills to climb (on his motorcycle), rivers to cross (rowing because the boat won't start), and journeys to begin (like that trip to Canada with 12 people in the camper).

Thanks again for just taking a few moments to think about him!
Glen and the fam