Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Relay for Life

Sometimes words just aren’t enough when expressing Thanks! This is one of those times. We had an AMAZING weekend at Relay for Life! For me, Relay for Life is not something that will be easily forgotten; partially because I can still barely walk, but mostly because of all of the LOVE from the event. I have added a new slide show to the right side with Relay pictures.

I started Team BRAT in late April and had never attended RFL (Relay for Life) before and had no idea how much I was in for. At the time that we started working on a team, I expected to have a team of about 13 people. We ended up with over 40 people who assisted with the event: 27 registered online, 6 registered day of, and 10+ people who just came to help out. Now THAT is LOVE!

At this point we have raised $8159.18 as a team; my first goal for the team was $3500. We can still accept donations through the month of July, so if you haven’t had a chance to reach out to your friends and family, there is still time. Included in this total is $138 from Sweet Tomatoes from donation night. Livermore Relay for Life started Saturday with just under $147,000. On Sunday morning, Relay for Life closed the event with a total of $191,156.55. That means that during Livermore RFL, we helped raise over $44,000. Congratulations!

What started out as a little distraction for me really turned quite grand! Our booth was awesome and who would have thought that selling the decorations would make more money than ice cream sales…especially when it is 104 degrees (that’s 40c for those of you north). Mom (Cherie) and Staci provided many of the decorations, ice and beverages. While Jenny helped with signs, recruiting volunteers, and provided a tent for us. Keith and I were at the event for the full 24 hours, but most only missed a few hours. Kelly, Josh, Kris, and Scott were killer sales people…”Gatorade! Ice Cold Gatorade!” Steve’s (my step-Dad) aunt and uncle donated 10 cases of water to our team, and I think I drank 3 of them myself. Jim and Bonnie McDonald brought their motorhome out and ran the A/C and generator for about 15 hours so that Barry could chill and have visitors. Grandma Bernice made the cool flags for our campsite, some BRAT hats, and aprons for our money. Grandma Alice and Grandpa Don were the most popular walkers…at 3am people were talking about how cute they are. We even had Edie, (3 time cancer survivor) fly in from Phoenix. The list goes on.

There were several people that just stopped by to say hi and make a donation. Dad really enjoyed every visitor. Even some of the guys that Dad worked with stopped by with their wives to say hello and show their support. It was an absolute joy meeting Jim and Jeff. Jeff shared a great story with me about how Barry dropped everything to help him out of a sticky situation one time. I had heard the story from Dad before, but it was very different hearing it from Jeff. He was so grateful for his expertise, calm attitude, and willingness to help.

If you add up Team BRAT’s time on the track, we put in about 74 hours. There was a lot of sweat and tears shed during that time…thankfully, no blood! Many of us participated in a study that will continue for the next several years in an effort to help with cancer prevention. I had tears in my eyes during the first lap (Survivor lap) and during the last lap that we walked as a team. 18 people walked the last lap in Team BRAT shirts. This was a true demonstration of Love, Support, Friendship, and Generosity.

I know that Relay for Life will be part of my life from this point forward. I signed a pledge where I made a commitment to continuing my fight against cancer. I will continue to give of myself in memory of those who have fought cancer. I will walk to honor those who have won the battle against cancer. I will provide support to those whose lives are affected by cancer. The mantra of RFL is “Celebrate, Remember, Fight Back”. We did all 3 over the weekend.

I can’t seem to say it enough, but thank you all. I thank you for fighting. I thank you for donating. I thank you for walking. I thank you for helping. I thank you for not giving up.

Please keep up hope for each other and keep praying for each other.

Sending you my love!

Friday, June 19, 2009


I just wanted to let everyone know that Barry is out of surgery and everything went well. He is in recovery now and is only allowed very limited visitors, as a matter of fact he is only allowed 2 visitors at a time. This is extrememly difficult since we all want to be in spending time with him. He was able to keep down some water, ice chips, and apple juice which meant he got to order something for dinner. He hadn't had anything to eat or drink since 7pm last night. It is likely that he will not be able to leave the hospital until late Monday or Tuesday.

Thank you all for your wonderful thoughts and prayers.

I will keep everyone updated.

Your Prayers Are Needed!

I know that I haven't kept up on the blog that well, but I am going to try to do better. I wanted to let everyone know that I am writing this from the Valley Care Hospital Lobby as Dad is in surgery.

Yesterday was such a big day at the doctor's office. The reason for the surgery is due to his left lung filling with fluid again. It has only been a week since his lung was drained. At that time Dr. Wong drained 2 litres of fluid from his left lung. The fluid actually builds up in the space between the lung and chest cavity wall. After x-rays yesterday it was determined that his lung had filled again. During the procedure today the surgeon will drain the fluid from the lung and then inject sterile talc into the space between the lung and the chest cavity wall. This causes the lung to get irritated and swell against the chest cavity wall. The lung heals against the chest wall and closes the gap where the fluid is building up. This will hopefully keep the fluid from building up in the lung area.

The procedure should take about 2 hours and he will continue to stay in the hospital for 2 or 3 days while the lung heals and the fluid continues to drain. All of the nurses have been wonderful this morning and really enjoy Dad and his smile. I think that we all agree with them. We were visited by Pastor Jim and he said a wonderful prayer asking for strength for all of us through this and helping to secure that seat in heaven!

Barry's pulse rate has been high and this has resulted in a referral to a cardiologist and another echo cardiogram. Dr. Kang just wants to be sure that nothing in his heart has been overlooked. It is also obvious that the cancer cells in his liver and belly are showing up stronger on the CT Scan. This means that it is time to change the chemotherapy regime. The next treatment will now be repeated every 2 weeks. He will have to take home a pump for 2 or 3 days that will administer one of the drugs continuously over that period. It was also brought to our attention that the cancer cells are also in his spine (lower back). Dr. Kang has recommended radiation treatment for his back. They cannot do radiation and chemo at the same time, so he will get a couple of weeks off of chemo while they proceed with the radiation treatment.

I hope you got all that! I hope I do too. This all feels so overwhelming. We are hoping that Barry is well enough to attend Relay in a week. He is most concerned with being a part of an event that is all for him. I really appreciate all of the support that you showed at Sweet Tomatoes last night. I will post the total earned as part of the event when I find out.

We appreciate your prayers and thoughts! During this time in the hospital, Barry will be in a lot of pain which will require sedation and drugs to combat the pain. We ask that you please keep telephone calls and visits to a minimum. If you would like to visit please try to contact a member of the family first.

We Love You All!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Show Your Support!

It has been quite some time since I posted the last post. The main reason for this is due to Relay for Life. Being the team captain for the awesome event hasn't been easy, but has definitely been for a worthwhile cause! It has been great to meet so many people who have already been through what we are dealing with. I appreciate all of your donations to Team BRAT. If you haven't had a chance to donate, there is still time. Click Here if you would like to make a donation or purchase a Luminaria to light our way as we walk through the night.

We have so many people on our team that we have had to start a second team. We currently have 22 registered walkers. It isn't too late to join! Let me know if you would like to walk, or would like to come volunteer to help us raise funds on the day of the event.

Join us at Pleasanton Sweet Tomatoes on June 18th! Bring the attached flyer to Sweet Tomatoes and they will donate 15% of the sale to Team BRAT! Cool, huh?!

Relay for Life: Come Support Team BRAT 9am June 27th to 9am June 28th ! Livermore High School Track. We will have fundraisers at the event. Find our tent and say Hi. We will be selling ice cream from 1pm-4pm. We will also have Flashing Helium Balloons, Glow Sticks and Glow Wear once the sun goes down!