We Love You!
We Cherish the Memories of You!
This is a site to CELEBRATE Barry Riggs! He was recently diagnosed with esophageal cancer. This is a cancer in the lower esophagus at the junction of the stomach and esophagus. The cancer has also spread (metastasized) to other areas of the body: liver, lymph nodes, lumbar, and omentum (belly area). We will keep you updated in the postings on this site and welcome you to share your thoughts and stories here as well!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR BARRY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU.So glad I could type this instead of singing for you.I scare myself when I hear me sing lol.Sorry I am late getting birthday greetings to you late.Hope you had a good one.Looks like you are enjoying yourself building your boat.Looks good. Again happy Birthday Barry.My prayers are with you.
Gloria Nagy
Happy Birthday Barry
Looks like you had a great time with your family. I see the "boat" is seaworthy. The "Sunny Okanagan" is having beautiful weather as well, could have gone camping. We hit a wopping +19 celcius (which to you Americans is around 70 degrees Fehrenheit).
Thinking of you everyday and wishing all of the best.
Love you
Today was the first day of chemotherapy for Barry. Who thought that 6 hours in reclining chair could make such a difference. I guess that the IV drip played a hand as well. They pumped a lot of good stuff into Barry before switching to the chemotherapy drugs. Then they top him off with more of the good stuff. Because the chemotherapy attacks the good cells with the bad, they want to make sure that he has enough calcium, potassium, and the like.
After his treatment today he had another CT Scan of his liver, but most importantly...was craving tacos! We all met at "Camp Riggs" after Dad ate his tacos on the way home from the hospital. Everyone had a little something to eat. The Grand kids (Garrett and Dustin), enjoyed playing with Lego's on the floor, driving Dad's remote control Mini-Cooper, and jumping for joy at the thought of having a piece of Marilynn's cake.
He has regained some of the color in his face, seemed rested, and was in great spirits. Both he and Shirley were telling us about the people they saw today in the treatment center and Shirley even got a little nap in the chair next to Barry's. (I am sure glad they didn't give her any drugs!) We all really enjoyed the time spent with Dad tonight! I can't wait to have more nights like tonight. You'll notice in the picture that he is giving a thumb's up! I guess he wants to go faster.
I have updated the slide show with a couple of new pictures...I love the pony picture. I have also posted a mailing address for Barry and Shirley should you wish to send cards or letters on the right side of the site.
Thank you all again for your thoughts and prayers.