It has been quite some time since I posted the last post. The main reason for this is due to Relay for Life. Being the team captain for the awesome event hasn't been easy, but has definitely been for a worthwhile cause! It has been great to meet so many people who have already been through what we are dealing with. I appreciate all of your donations to Team BRAT. If you haven't had a chance to donate, there is still time. Click Here if you would like to make a donation or purchase a Luminaria to light our way as we walk through the night.
We have so many people on our team that we have had to start a second team. We currently have 22 registered walkers. It isn't too late to join! Let me know if you would like to walk, or would like to come volunteer to help us raise funds on the day of the event.
Join us at Pleasanton Sweet Tomatoes on June 18th! Bring the attached flyer to Sweet Tomatoes and they will donate 15% of the sale to Team BRAT! Cool, huh?!
Relay for Life: Come Support Team BRAT 9am June 27th to 9am June 28th ! Livermore High School Track. We will have fundraisers at the event. Find our tent and say Hi. We will be selling ice cream from 1pm-4pm. We will also have Flashing Helium Balloons, Glow Sticks and Glow Wear once the sun goes down!
will there be another function like this? things have been crazy over here with the move and i haven't been keeping up with the blog :(